The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

Are you wondering what The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) is? Do you have young children or know someone who does?

“The 3-6-year-old child is particularly capable of receiving and enjoying the most essential elements of our faith—the announcement of God’s love especially experienced through Jesus, the Good Shepherd, who died and is risen. Materials on the life of Jesus Christ and his teachings help to make the mystery of God concrete for the child. The heart of the catechesis for children under six revolves around the Parable of the Good Shepherd. Jesus announces that he is the Good Shepherd who calls each one by name. The sheep listen to the voice of the Shepherd and follow him.” - United States Association of The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

We began this catechesis in October for children aged 3 & 4, and next year we will offer it to 3, 4 & 5-year-olds.
There are currently 4 classes being held each week serving 32 children in total!

It is such a blessing to have two atriums (specially prepared environments) for these little ones to come and experience God on their own level. The atriums are located at St Francis and St Andrew Churches for children of all our parishes.

You are invited to come to an information session to learn more about this catechesis which will include a brief video introduction, two lessons presented just as they are presented to the children, a tour of the atrium, and Q&A.

There are two sessions from which to choose:

3/23/25 - Following 9:00AM Mass - St. Francis social hall

3/30/25 - Following 10:00AM Mass - St. Andrew - Room #7

We hope you can join us!


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