Brainerd Catholic

South Cluster

New to our community?

We would love to welcome you as a parishioner at St. Andrew’s or St. Mathias! Fill out our interest form to learn more about registering for a parish.

Worship & Sacraments

  • Baptisms

    A baptism may be scheduled following preparation classes. The parishes here in Brainerd offer a half-day retreat format for Baptismal Preparation, generally held the second Saturday every other month.

  • Becoming Catholic

    FUSE is for any adult in the Brainerd Lakes area who desires to dive deeper into the faith and learn more about what our faith really means. FUSE is engaging, truthful, exciting, and at times even surprising!

  • Weddings

    Engaged couples should contact the parish office and speak with a priest at least 6 months in advance of a desired wedding date. This allows time for the diocesan marriage preparation to be completed.

  • Funerals

    At the time of death, one should contact the funeral home, who will help arrange all necessary details for care of the deceased and for the funeral rites. After you meet with the funeral home staff, they will contact our parishes to arrange a time for the funeral.

  • First Reconciliation

    Preparation for receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist is primarily for 2nd graders, but 3rd-4th grade students who have not received these sacraments may also attend this preparation.

  • First Communion

    Preparation for receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist is primarily for 2nd graders, but 3rd-4th grade students who have not received these sacraments may also attend this preparation.

  • Confirmation

    Confirmation Prep is a three-year high school program to prepare young people to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation as well as teaching them how to live out fully the grace that comes with the Sacrament.

  • Anointing of the Sick

    Anointing of the Sick is a sacrament of healing for those who are seriously ill, face major surgery, are weakened by advanced age, or are preparing for death. The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is offered in our parishes by request.

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